"Twogether" brings all expression together!

It was a treat on 19th Feb 2015 to all Puneites ( aka Punekars) who could make it, to meditate for two hours at Ganesh Kala Krida Manch. The occasion was the program organized by 'Swargandhaar' and 'Jeevangaani' to bring the TWO maestro to GETHER to perform in Pune. Shankar Mahadevan and Ustad Zakir Hussain performing together that too at a convenient location, time and with reasonable ticket rates, who would miss this event! Ganesh Vandana was the expected and perfect start which also acted as warm-up for the ears. Yes! our ears had to get acclimatized to extreme melody and rhythm we were going to experience for next two hours and thus this start was just the right thing. The classical Carnatic musical made us realized that we are now going to go through a wonderful experience of taking surprises, wondering about the suspense and to get used to sudden pleasant shocks. Every action, every word, every harkat was being praised and no words can explain how the w...