Pandemic, motivation and me

What's the similarity or difference in the below quotes? "Some people will hate you just because they see you getting success they think they deserve from the work they haven’t done” (source Twitter). Vs “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” (source google). Yes, these are both motivational quotes. Right! But, one projects anger, irritation or hurtfulness and the latter encourage and inspires. What leads to inspiration or discouragement ? Expectations sometimes are far from reality. When these two overlap, we are happy and joyful. But when they are afar we tend to be surprised, be angry or end up feeling hurt. I expected something of a person which in reality wasn't delivered. I had this fantasy in my head where some person, according to me, must respond in a certain way, to a situation, but they didn't. I was hurt! Should I be hurt or angry? Even if I am, how should I react? I know we can't decide how we react, but we can sure modulate what we expec...